Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our best-casinos-online.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.getElementById("d42fd9d7-7588-4c0c-b733-46967da6fd92").style.height = "0px";}

Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our”>3M-1Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our” width=”644″ height=”305″ />

SEBAGAI aset dengan investasi yang cukup tinggi, peran data center begitu penting. Bukan hanya karena harganya yang mahal, tapi yang jauh lebih penting adalah data-data sebuah perusahaan yang tersimpan di dalam data center.

Karenanya, keamanan fisik sebuah data center harus direncanakan dan dibangun dengan serius.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands. 3M sebagai perusahaan yang selalu melakukan inovasi memperkenalkan solusi untuk melindungi data center.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.height = "0px";}style.width = "0px"; document.getElementById("c50344c1-fdcf-410e-a2ce-1e487341cb63").style.height = "0px";}

Rangkaian produk yang dari 3M akan melindungi serta meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisensi data center sebuah perusahaan. 3M menghadirkan Novec Imersion Cooling, Novec Fire Protection Fluid, serta Volition Network Solutions.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.

“3M mengerti bahwa sebuah data center merupakan aset yang terpenting yang harus dilindungi, karena hal itu lah kami sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang terus melakukan inovasi menyediakan produk yang akan menjadi solusi bagi data center perusahaan,” ujar Mateus Bernath, Country Business Leader Electronic and Energy Business Group PT 3M Indonesia di Jakarta (25/2).

Solusi perlindungan yang ditawarkan ini akan memproteksi fisik data center baik untuk mebcegah ataupun menanggulangi bahaya fisik yang mungkin terjadi. Seperti yang juga disampaikan oleh Johar Alam Rangkuti, Komisaris Utama PT Internetindo Data Center Indonesia perlindungan Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands. keamanan fisik yang baik nantinya akan mengurangi biaya yang dikeluarkan.

Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.biskom.web.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our = "none"; document.getElementById("033d9a53-775f-4acf-8724-0cc15c766903").style.width = "0px"; document.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our best-casinos-online.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.height = "0px";}getElementById("033d9a53-775f-4acf-8724-0cc15c766903").style.height = "0px";}id/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/3MtmVolitiontm.jpg”>3M(tm)Volition(tm)Kerusakan fisik yang sering dijumpai adalah risiko kebakaran, biasnaya hal ini terjadi karena sambaran petir ataupun hubungan arus pendek. Tak hanya kebakaran saja, pemakaian listrik menjadi kendala bagi sebuah data center karena berkumpulnya banyak komputer dalam satu ruangan akan menimbulkan panas bahkan overheat.

Untuk mengantisipasi kebakaran dan efisiensi biaya sistem pendingin 3M menawarkan solusi Novec yang merupakan cairan kimia inovatif.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands. Novec tidak dapat terbakar dan tidak dapat terkonduksi, sehingga aman diguanakan untuk berbagai macam pengaplikasian.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.getElementById("291192f4-d907-457f-9f89-a9f2e16a88fe").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("291192f4-d907-457f-9f89-a9f2e16a88fe").style.width = "0px"; document.getElementById("291192f4-d907-457f-9f89-a9f2e16a88fe").style.height = "0px";}info brands.getElementById("f089f244-fc04-44fb-bd9d-60ee0f117a8f") != null){document.getElementById("f089f244-fc04-44fb-bd9d-60ee0f117a8f").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("f089f244-fc04-44fb-bd9d-60ee0f117a8f").style.width = "0px"; document.getElementById("f089f244-fc04-44fb-bd9d-60ee0f117a8f").style.height = "0px";}getElementById("763df9e0-8cfc-40af-8123-945019c3f92a").style.height = "0px";}style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("2fff5b80-07f7-4021-b4c7-b58f6fddf3ca").style.width = "0px"; document.getElementById("2fff5b80-07f7-4021-b4c7-b58f6fddf3ca").style.height = "0px";}

3M Novec Immersion Cooling menawarkan sistem perendaman yang dapat mendinginkan server dan membantu mengurangi biaya pendinginan hingga 80%, sedangkan 3M Novec Fire Protection Fluid dapat membantu memadamkan api dengan aman.

Cairan 3M Novec Fire Protection Fluid ini akan berubah menjadi gas saat diberi tekanan, biasanya diaplikasikan pada nozzle.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our”> brands.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.getElementById("57a4538b-9ed2-4b0c-ad4b-dbfff91680ca").style.height = "0px";}style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("c3692e9c-f861-418a-be0e-ce016c40c186").style.width = "0px"; document.getElementById("c3692e9c-f861-418a-be0e-ce016c40c186").style.Based on Microgaming’s continued development of the product, to offer a better game experience and variety of games, we have continued to use them for all of our brands.height = "0px";}  3M juga memiliki Volition Network Solutions yaitu sistem pengkabelan jaringan performa tinggi yang dirancang untuk mudah dipasang sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja serta komponen. ARIE/M. TAUFIK (foto)



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